Member Profile – Brooke Hepburn-Rogers

Graduate Certificate of SMSF – University of Adelaide

Graduating from The University of Adelaide, for the second time, with the Graduate Certificate of SMSF is an accomplishment that I am proud of.

I was first made aware of the Professional Certificate of SMSF whilst attending the SMSF Association’s Annual National Conference several years ago. The idea of having further education that was specific to my industry was incredibly interesting, particularly in how beneficial it would potentially be for me to grow as an Industry Professional.

After seeing the University of Adelaide’s representatives again at the SMSF Association’s Annual National Conference in Melbourne in 2017, I grabbed the opportunity to take that big step and signed up for Graduate Course immediately.

I have to admit that the Course is challenging and eye-opening; I was learning about Investment Bias and Client Behaviour, which was different to that of my day to day role as an Accountant, but the knowledge that I have gained through this Course has been incredibly beneficial for me both through my own professional development and the growth of my business.

The University of Adelaide and the SMSF Association have been vital to me, as well as to others, in the development of the Technical and Networking skills and opportunities needed in this Industry. With all the changes that occur within our industry that we need to be on top of, it is crucial that, as trusted Advisors, our technical skills, industry knowledge and soft skills are fine-tuned so that we can be the absolute best that we can be, for our Clients; the key to is to make our clients feel comfortable and well-informed about their financial situations.

Now, 2 years on, I am happy and my business is thriving thanks to this great opportunity that I was presented with. The graduation ceremony, which was recently held in Adelaide, was a wonderful milestone for me, which I was lucky enough to share with my very supportive family. I am now looking forward to my next challenge and whatever the future may hold.

If you want to follow on in the footsteps of Brooke, learn more about the Graduate Certificate in Self Managed Super Funds here.