Tag Archives: Retirement

Transfer Balance Cap increase 1st July 2021

We have had enquiries on the increase of the general transfer balance cap, the amount of super that can be in pension phase, from $1.6 million to $1.7 million from 1 July 2021.

When the general transfer balance cap is indexed to $1.7 million, there will not be a single cap that applies to all individuals. Every individual will have their own personal transfer balance cap of between $1.6 and $1.7 million, depending on their circumstances.

When we are reviewing your 2021 SMSF compliance and tax work, we will advise you what your individual caps will be. Until then we are unable to advise on an individual basis.

We will be in touch in due course and should you have any queries in the meantime, please contact our office at.

For additional details please review the information above, and more, at: https://www.ato.gov.au/Individuals/Super/In-detail/Withdrawing-and-using-your-super/Indexation-of-Transfer-balance-cap/

COVID-19 – The Government’s economic stimulus packages explained

Over the past two weeks the Government has announced two economic stimulus packages to cushion the economic impact of the Coronavirus.

A total of $189 billion is being injected into the economy by all arms of Government in order to keep Australians in work and businesses in business.

This includes $17.6 billion for the Government’s first economic stimulus package, $90 billion from the RBA and $15 billion from the Government to deliver easier access to finance, and $66.1 billion in yesterday’s economic support package.

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Superannuation death benefit limitations

As an SMSF trustee, you need to take special care when paying death benefits as you are responsible for ensuring that the payment rules are met. Strict rules apply, affecting who can receive a death benefit, the form in which the death benefit can be paid and the timing of such a payment.

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Superannuation death benefits – review succession plans

Regardless of the size of your superannuation benefits, it is vital that you sort out your estate plans to ensure that you have a well prepared estate plan so that the right assets go to the right beneficiaries.  You need to make sure that you get holistic estate planning advice and have arrangements in place to review your estate plans regularly. Estate plans are not to be set and forgotten.

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Member Profile – Brooke Hepburn-Rogers

Graduate Certificate of SMSF – University of Adelaide

Graduating from The University of Adelaide, for the second time, with the Graduate Certificate of SMSF is an accomplishment that I am proud of.

I was first made aware of the Professional Certificate of SMSF whilst attending the SMSF Association’s Annual National Conference several years ago. The idea of having further education that was specific to my industry was incredibly interesting, particularly in how beneficial it would potentially be for me to grow as an Industry Professional.

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Women in Finance Awards 2019 – Finalist Accountant of the Year

Brooke Hepburn-Rogers has been named a finalist in the Women in Finance Awards for Accountant of the Year.

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The Coalition wins a third term – your superannuation policy update

The Coalition Government has been re-elected in the 2019 Federal Election, with a small majority of seats in the House of Representatives, after taking a policy of stability for superannuation to the election.

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On 1 July 2019 your insurance cover may be changing!

In February this year, the Government passed legislation which prevents trustees of APRA-regulated funds from providing insurance to members with inactive superannuation accounts, unless a member has directed otherwise.

It is a common practice for many individuals with an SMSF to also have a secondary APRA-regulated fund which provides them with insurance.

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Government delivers surplus election friendly 2019-20 Federal Budget

A surplus election budget is the news coming out of the 2019-20 Federal Budget. With superannuation left largely untouched, the Government focused on further personal income tax cuts.

However, three key announcements include providing more flexibility for individuals to contribute at ages 65 and 66, the ability to choose their preferred exempt income tax method and increased funding for electronic super rollovers are welcomed.

This Federal Budget will provide much-needed stability and flexibility for SMSF members while looking to reduce red tape.

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