Tag Archives: Suzanne McIntosh


2020 Lodgements are all done!

We are proud to announce that we have lodged all 2020 SMSF tax returns on time and are already getting prepared for the 2021 financial year.

With the Federal Government Budget being announced we were pleased with the superannuation updates, we especially hope to see the work-test being abolished, for those 74 and under, for non-concessional contributions and will keep you updated on this.

We are also incredibly proud to announce that we have been named a National Finalist for SMSF Firm of the Year and our Director, Brooke Hepburn-Rogers is up for Partner of the Year, for the 2021 Australian Accounting Awards, the winner will be announced June 18 at the Star Casino in Sydney. It is such an honour to be recognised at such a prestige level.

COVID-19 – Providing concessions for the LRBA in my SMSF

The economic impacts of the COVID-19 crisis are causing significant financial distress for many businesses and individuals.

If your SMSF has a related party loan and is impacted due to the financial effects of COVID-19, you may be able to provide your LRBA with relief under an agreed commercial arrangement.

Ordinarily, not paying market interest rates in an SMSF is usually a breach of superannuation laws. However, the ATO have provided guidance which allows SMSFs with an LRBA to negotiate a reduction in or waiver of interest payments because of the financial impacts of the COVID-19.

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COVID-19: Negative returns – looking for the positive?

Despite well formulated investment strategies and appropriate investment advice, no trustee could have foreseen the impacts of COVID-19 on financial markets globally. Whilst history suggests that a strong recovery is likely within a relatively short period after large market corrections, it is still too early to know the impact of COVID-19 on members’ retirement plans.

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The Coalition wins a third term – your superannuation policy update

The Coalition Government has been re-elected in the 2019 Federal Election, with a small majority of seats in the House of Representatives, after taking a policy of stability for superannuation to the election.

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Government delivers surplus election friendly 2019-20 Federal Budget

A surplus election budget is the news coming out of the 2019-20 Federal Budget. With superannuation left largely untouched, the Government focused on further personal income tax cuts.

However, three key announcements include providing more flexibility for individuals to contribute at ages 65 and 66, the ability to choose their preferred exempt income tax method and increased funding for electronic super rollovers are welcomed.

This Federal Budget will provide much-needed stability and flexibility for SMSF members while looking to reduce red tape.

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UK Pension – Transfer to Australian Self-Managed Superannuation Fund

We have had success in transferring UK pensions over to an Australian self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF).

There is now an age restriction of 55+ for the members of an SMSF who would like to transfer their pension from the UK, and a deed upgrade will need to occur, however we do see a large increase of Australians working in the UK and having pension scheme balances, that used to feel ‘lost’ upon returning to Australia.

If this is something that you think you could benefit from or would like further information, please contact our office.

Property and my SMSF

Property and my SMSF

Directly held property makes up approximately 19% of all SMSF assets, indicating that many SMSF trustees consider it’s an important and significant part of a diversified portfolio.  There are numerous strategies and ways for property to form part of an SMSF’s investments and each must be carefully considered.

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Personal Superannuation Contributions – 10% rule repealed

Personal Superannuation Contributions – 10% rule repealed 

With the end of the financial year fast approaching, it is time to start thinking about income tax deductions.

Under the new Government changes to super, effective 1 July 2017, the 10% maximum earnings condition for personal superannuation contributions was removed for the 2017-18 and future financial years.

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Franking credits and your SMSF

You may have noticed significant media coverage recently regarding the Australian Labor Party’s proposed policy to stop SMSFs from receiving tax refunds for the franking credits they receive in conjunction with the dividends paid from Australian companies they own.

First of all, what are franking credits and how do they benefit SMSFs?

Under the Australian tax system companies pay 30 per cent tax on their profits. When these profits are then passed on to their shareholders in the form of dividends, the company also hands the shareholders a credit for the tax the company has already paid (the “franking credit”). The individual shareholder then pays tax on the profit they received from the company less the credit for the tax the company has already paid.  The franking credit ensures that the company profits are taxed at a shareholder’s marginal tax rate.

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Property and my SMSF

The directly held property makes up approximately 19% of all SMSF assets, indicating that many SMSF trustees consider it’s an important and significant part of a diversified portfolio. There are numerous strategies and ways for property to form part of an SMSF’s investments and each must be carefully considered.
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